Our Tips and Practical Info

A move is a stressful stage of life and a source of significant anxiety. However, by following a few basic precautions, you will avoid the hassle and will move in the best conditions. To help you, here are some tips to check before the start of the operation.

3 Month before your move

If you are a tenant, tell your landlord or your trustee of your future departure by registered letter for the owner to refunds your deposit and accordingly fix with him, the date of the inventory.

1 month before your move

  • Take care of all administrative paper work
  • have your bank account transferred to your future branch


  • Inform the authorities about your Move.
  • Make a list of the things you wish to move and give it to the movers company.
  • Make a list of the value of each goods you wish to transfer.
  • Dismount all electric equipment , curtain rails among others.
  • Make a list of all the documents and things that you will keep with you on the move day.


Departure time

  • Verify all rooms and closets to make sure you did not leave any thing behind.
  • Close all tapes
  • Turn off all electricity
  • Check all letter box
  • Remove your name plate on all letter box , doors and near door bells.

On Arrival

  • Make a site assessment
  • Ask for a new contract agreement for Electricity and water.

Top tip: Try to avoid peak moving season (June to August). Most serviced apartments are usually booked up during this time and relocating during this time requires extra planning.

This season has peculiarities that it is better to know; if we want to avoid unpleasant surprises.
First, the schedules of the movers are very busy and the prices are relatively more expensive than those practiced the rest of the year. If you have the possibility of shifting your move, then avoid this period you can make significant savings.